Funeral announcements are a great way of letting others know about the death of a loved one and when the services will take place. Many times, people prefer to write these themselves instead of having the funeral home do it for them. If that is what you want to do, it can be a good idea to learn a few things about how to write one. Here are the tips that directors of funeral homes in Coeur D’Alene, ID want you to remember as you start.
The first thing you have to consider doing is to find examples of funeral announcements. Although they will all be unique, you can still learn a lot about what you need to include and what kind of tone it can have. There are lots of sites where you can read examples of these kinds of announcements.
You want to know what information to include in the announcement. Unlike an obituary, where you have to add lots of biographical information, a funeral announcement focuses on including the dates of birth and death and the time and location of the service. You can also include where the person lived and at the end, if you want to add a personal touch, you can have a line from a poem or from scripture. It is important to keep the notice as simple as possible.
Another thing you want to remember is to consider the services you are having. This can impact the tone of the announcement. If you are planning a celebration of life, it can be important to have an announcement that is a bit lighter in tone. It will also make a difference if the service will be private or public. If it will be private, then you will be sending the announcement out to the people who are invited, so you can be less formal. With a public service, you will want to keep the tone a bit more formal.
You can send the funeral announcement as soon as you have the information on the services verified. Since this can be the first notice that some people get about the death, you want to offer accurate information so no one is confused. There are many ways to send the announcement, including through social media, through email, posting it in a newspaper or other print option, or even mailing it to the people you want to know.
Writing the funeral announcement after the death of a loved one is something you want to consider doing. It is not difficult and it does not have to take a long time. You can read examples and see what to include and how long they should be. To learn more about the services that you want for your loved one, you can reach out to a Coeur D’Alene, ID funeral home like us. We are ready to help you with all of the arrangements you want to make for your loved one. You can give us a call right now or you can stop by to learn more about what we can offer.